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Exploring Land of Ooo. Lady Rainicorn's House.

What Time is it? It’s Cutting Time!
I'm glad to show you a cross-section illustration of the Lady Rainicorn's house.
As you can see, today is a family day. But that doesn't stop us from having a briefly tour of the house.
The road to the house goes over the river bridge. It looks like the best uncle Finn has just arrived:
Ground floor (literally) includes the kitchen area, dining space and dressing corner. A door next to the kitchen leads into the bathroom.
A ladder is used to climb to the top floor with the sleeping area. Sleeping on the hay is very comfortable!
The back yard is ideal for outdoor games. Such as kubb!
What a cozy house, isn’t it?
I hope you enjoyed looking at the illustrations as much as I enjoyed drawing it.
By the way, have you seen a cross-section of Finn and Jake's Tree Fort yet?
Also, please subscribe to my @maxdwork Instagram where I post little stories from my big pictures. Thank you!
Exploring Land of Ooo. Lady Rainicorn's House.
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Exploring Land of Ooo. Lady Rainicorn's House.

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