Branding synergy
Alone you'll go faster, together you'll come farther. These words of wisdom is what made two separate brands decide to unite. One is specialized in robotization, the other in business intelligence. Two single propositions that form one awesome proposition together. That takes some courage. And vision. We were asked how to unite these two brands. Well, like this!  
New brand, new name
A new brand name was a must. To say goodbye to the old and make way for the new. When two brands join together, people join together. They progress. Together. So we found a name that embodies progress, that embodies what's ahead. It embodies curiosity and creativity. A name that is catchy: Nexler.
Input, throughput, output
Work is supposed to be fun. The rest can be automatized. Nexler understands. They make our daily practice smarter, more efficient and more fun. By automating boring, repetitive actions. And by optimizing processes. Input, throughput, output in optima forma; that was the basis for the brand identity. 
Branding synergy

Branding synergy
