Profilo di Brian Erickson

Moonlight Madness Promo

This video was really a spur of the moment piece. I really didn't have time to plan or do anything elaborate. I just knew that I wanted to create something powerful and something that people would remember. I know people are fascinated with dunking so I came up with this.
Equipment used:
Canon T2i 
Canon 18-55 mm Lens
Canon 50 mm f1.8 Lens
Cheap tripod
3 1K lights (unknown brand)
Edited in:
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
“No one is exempt from the rule that learning occurs through recognition of error.” 
― Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetics
Things learned:
- Shutter speed is important. Especially since we are slowing down to 40%, you need to keep a high shutter speed so that you still get clean motion. As you can see in the screenshots, there is way to much motion blur.
- High ISOs kill nice footage. Nuff said.
- Don't use a cheap tripod when people are jumping on a wooden floor. It will not stay in place and it will shake when your subjects hit the ground. Case and point at the end of the last dunk. I masked it like I wanted it to happen with the RGB Split but it was unintentional.
- Make sure your actors warm up before the shoot. They can do more takes this way if you didn't get what you wanted on the first try. 
Moonlight Madness Promo

Moonlight Madness Promo

A quick promo made in less then a day for an event at Cedarville University.
