"Whats in the box?"
This was an interesting test. The idea was to see if camera motion can mask any movement by a "frozen" subject in a video and to see how well the built-in 3D camera tracker works inside After Effects. This was mainly made as a requirement for a class to try to use light to tell a story. In this case, I chose firelight. 
Equipment used:
Flycam Nano DSLR CF
Canon T2i
18-55 mm kit lens
Lowell 1K tungston light
Chromo 160 LED light panel 
Edited on:
Homebuilt PC
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” ― Albert Einstein
Lessons learned:
- If you want to use the built in 3D camera tracker in After Effects, don't shoot in dark environments or with high ISO. They both throw off the tracker and do some crazy things. 
- Don't apply the 3D camera tracker on top of a layer that has warp stabilization on it. Bad things happen.
- It is almost impossible to get a proper exposure if you setup a 1K in a doorway and don't light the rest of the hallway. Thus the green light on their faces at the end.
- I want to use a real glidecam other then this off-brand system. It gets the job done but my camera was too light to do anything good with the cheap bearings. 
- I implimented buying music for the project this time from Audio Jungle. It was a good choice. 
Frozen Action

Frozen Action

A short video about using light to tell a story. I chose to tell it with fire.
