Here is my first demo reel of all of the work that I have done up to the end of 2013. It is interesting for me to see how much I have changed as a videographer and how I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when I started. If this much has changed in only two years, I am super excited to see what is to come.
“Past is treasure whether good or bad as both shapes our lives, and shapeless things have no identity....” 
― Fawad
Things learned (there are too many things to list but here are a few important things):
- Watch your ISO. I can't stress that enough with entry level DSLRs. 
- Shoot with whatever camera you have. It isn't the camera, it is the filmmaker.
- Video Copilot's Element 3D is a gift from God.
- When doing videos for people, shoot way more then you need to. Faster edits help draw people in in advertisements (so far in my experience.)
- Final Cut Pro X's optical flow is amazing when used correctly. 
- Try not to use Apple Motion for typography work. It is a pain in the rear and really slow once you get several hundred layers in the composition. I understand if that is all you have but try to learn AE if you can so that you don't need to use it. 
Below are just some more fun images that are my favorite shots.
Demo Reel

Demo Reel

My first demo reel!
