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"Creativity without harm to the Earth and all its creatures." ---

SIDONIEYANG | HANDMADE - The SIDONIEYANG brand was started in the Summer of 2011.

Sidonie and Shawn found themselves living in Vancouver, Canada, enjoying the abundance that nature had to offer; fresh air, beautiful mountains, endless waters, lush vegetation and everything else someone alive would care for. Life was beautiful, but still they worked for money... was this all that they were meant to do?

It was not much later, then, that they both realized that not all creatures were fortunate enough to enjoy the freedom and the necessities of life. Humans were taking this Earth and turning it upside down; humans were doing to other living beings things that could only be considered evil. This must change, they decided... but how?

Change comes slowly, of course, and most change only happens through slow, concerted effort... and it was then that Sidonie decided to dedicate herself to building a brand that fulfilled a set of propositions. It should be:

- something she enjoyed, so that she may never tire of it
- something that other people enjoyed, whether they realized the problems in this world or not
- something that could slowly open people's minds and contribute to change for the better
- something that did not involve the exploitation of animals or the exploitation of the environment

Thus, it was that we settled on the use of Washable Kraft Paper for everyday products and accessories. Sidonie enjoys the process of design and craftsmanship. People have a desire for such accessories and given Earth-friendly options, choose them. The simple act of carrying around animal-free products leaves a lasting impression on one's mind and on one's soul. Washable Kraft Paper, a biodegradable, but super-durable paper spares animals from being killed for their skin and the paper is manufactured according to the highest environmental standards.

That is our story so far, and we've been going strong ever since.
Our slogan is as follows, and we truly believe it:
"Creativity without harm to the Earth and all its creatures"

最初我們注重環保,現在我們更致力於善待動物,我們相信...善待動物、保護環境,了解人類對待動物的真相,也該實際行動! 所以,從日常用品的材質選擇開始,我們決定不再使用動物製材質,以環保材質來結合手工製作的設計商品,成為我們的主要創作。


同時,我們也希望把愛心化為實際行動,每筆成交金額的 10% 盈餘將會捐給世界展望會。


