Stitches present a healing journey with a natural context that is architecturally modified to generate an experience that is suitable for a healing experience. The Healing concept that I use is to return to the previous state which was better in terms of heart, body, and soul. I took the concept of 'turning back into the word 'Rebirth', which means to revert from the current state into the state that is better than ourselves before.

The rebirth that I use in this concept started with an understanding of reincarnation and an understanding of being born again like a baby. This whole rebirth process has a deep relation with an experience that could be felt through the human senses. The architecture will try to recreate the experience that can be felt by humans who live and experience the structure. The whole experience will become one unity journey for humans to feel the healing and feel rebirth.

The intervention was kept to a minimum by not changing the existing nature but instead by making more use of the existing nature that later will be enhanced by the architecture that is made. Rebirth also can be learned from nature with its capability to recover itself from disturbances caused by humans or disasters. The recovery process occurs underground until it is ready to appear on the surface and become visible to the world.
This whole process of the journey will be the main basis of the architectural program in this project. The architecture will lead and regulate humans to experience nature in different ways that require different senses in every atmosphere. The final result can be a place for healing through the journey process that does not only affect our relationship with the outside world but also improve our relationship within ourselves.



