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Concept App : Seizure Alert

Seizure Alert, an application which detects seizure attack and alerts the user before happening. 

This seizure detecting application runs as a background application in the mobile phone. It continuously monitor and analyzes the EEG data received from EEG headphone/earphones. These headphone are specifically designed for acquiring EEG data from Temporal lobe of both (right & left) hemisphere and listening music simultaneously. These headphones can be wireless or wired. 

When application detects any spooky brain activity (similar to seizure), it alerts the user. In case when user looses his consciousness, it starts calling the user's relative or concerned person those who are added in the emergency contact list of the application. If application is unable to reach the concerned person, it send a text message or voice message with G.P.S location of user to him and tries another contact in list.   

User can customize his contact list and add up to ten contacts in the list including one hospital's/doctor's contact number. It also keeps the track of the seizure attacks (false + real) along with time and date so that when user or his doctor wants to see, they can either view the activity in the graph or generate a report. 

Graph: Graphs shows number of attacks and its level of severity with time,day and month. The level of severity of the attack would be depend on the EEG signal spookiness.  
Concept App : Seizure Alert