Sound Space MK 1

This project is for my FMP for year 2. I have designed a modular recording and synthesis device for on the go, in the field or in the studio. The Idea started off as a series of experiments with binaural microphones and oscillators and through testing and looking at modular synthesis and then into a creative device to help the user be curious about the environments around them and then add a few different parameters to the input to add more layers to the sound.

I researched in a variety of sources to inspire this project and was mainly inspired by a Musician and Inventor Sam Battle AKA 'Look Mum No Computer'. His Youtube channel has a wealth of knowledge that really helped me on my journey to create this and explore a new way of making things.

Check out his channel for a few of his inventions.

Thank you for looking at my work.
Sound Space MK1
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Sound Space MK1

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