Olymptours travel agency, Zagreb, 1994-95
Rather than produce an anonymous office space that might as well be dealing with income tax, P&R created an intriguing space with connotations of sumptuousness and fantasy, appropriate to a travel agency.
The agency, an airplane tickets dealer, required a long and narrow space split into two levels, a ground floor showroom for customer service and a basement back office. The original spatiality was left completely uninterrupted, underlined by the undulation and the mobility of the integrated furniture on one side of the strip and by the voluminous presence of a conceptual wooden wall on the other.
Elite cafe, Zagreb, 1995-96 ( subsequently redecorated )
The glass screen on a busy street with heavy traffic functioned as a self-advertisment, an eye-catching image in urban space. While the outer standing space was cool and open, the inner sitting room was warmer and ensconced, with something of a travel lounge feel.
Fun Café, Zagreb, 1995-96 
The minuscule L-shaped space suggested a division into two separate compartments, standing and sitting, fast and slow, cool and warm. The latter was intended for lovers and students from nearby colleges.Confinement and claustrophobia are avoided, and the consumer can enjoy the range of materials with their variety of finishes and colours, and the interplay of surfaces and spaces. 
Križek jewellery shop, Velika Gorica, 1997-98
The Križek jewellery shop in the Zagreb satellite town of Velika Gorica relates form to identity by means of furnishings and details that look as if they have been designed by a Czech Cubist who had worked on the set of a James Bond movie. The redesigned street facade offered intimacy and concentration on "internal affairs" . The street-level shop and the basement workshop are connected by light, suspended stairs. The use of exotic wood, stainless steel and black granite underscores the preciousness of the content.
Interior design
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Interior design

Realisations of various interior designs

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