From online shopping to emotional brand experience.

How could Samsung evolve its relationship with Millennials and Gen Zs when the brand is seen as a manufacturer with little to no connection with its clients?

By leveraging shared passions with its customers and channeling lifestyle brands to create a new online shopping experience based on emotions.​​​​​​​
Taking cues from social media, the new design system feels both familiar and engaging to a generation of customers that is used to browsing content and shopping all at once. Customer and trusted media reviews are integrated to the interface, turning regular product pages into true social experiences.
Showcasing products in real situations humanizes the brand and allows customers to relate to more use cases. Emotional connections are facilitated, allowing Samsung to cater to different personalities — especially those who never thought of considering its products.
With its editorial approach, the new tool set created for the site expanded on the Samsung brand while feeling coherent with its ecosystem. Radical and simultaneous collaboration on three continents — coupled with research that verified design hypotheses — broke new ground and allowed for the creation of a shopping experience that’s a true Samsung signature.


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