Profil appartenant à Andrew Wilson Facebook mini-app Facebook Quiz: "What type of radio are you?"
A custom-built personality quiz to connect the brand with it's Facebook users and to entice them into directly interacting with the brand with exclusive content.
To increase user engagement with the overall fanpage, users must click on the "Like" button prior to accessing the exclusive personality quiz content.
After thoroughly analyzing and demonstrating the pros and cons of a Facebook "Fanpage" I began to put together a custom-designed and branded Facebook page and personality quiz based on the Static FBML Facebook plugin.
About the Quiz

The quiz featured five multiple-choice questions pertaining to the user's preferences with various radio-related aspects, such as primary medium ("What type of radio do you use?") as well as personal ("What do you use for your alarm clock?") in order to accurately "assign" a radio suitable for that personality type. During the quiz, users are presented with the answers received by our writing staff above to help them connect and gain insight into our staff's personalities.

The quiz is built loosely around the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® with each radio being assigned a different "personality type" which is then assigned to each answer on the quiz. The user is required to "Like" the page prior to taking the quiz and after completion they are given a "radio" with a personality description and offered a chance to share their results (by publishing them to their stream), as well as to visit a hidden page of content on the website that details the history behind the selection of all the radios shown in the quiz.
The artwork of the quiz is designed to perfectly compliment the current website branding for and directs the user to "hidden" content on the primary website after completing the quiz.
Each question features an example radio from the writing staff to help boost name recognition and provide additional "insight" into each writer's personality. Every question includes a progress indicator (top left) and user is unable to proceed until an answer has been provided.
Overall this was a great project and a lot of fun! The difficult part was in the selection of iconic radios to use, breakdown of personality types and writing the questions in order to sufficiently create the illusion of a real personality quiz. In order to avoid the limitations of formal Facebook applications, our developer and I settled on using the Static FBML app and to write the application using entirely Javascript. Facebook mini-app
Publié le : Facebook mini-app

Custom-built "personality quiz" Facebook application for fanpage.

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