Yijing Mao 님의 프로필

Coffee Shop Visual Identity and Merchandise Design

In Shanghai, there are thousands of coffee shops. Fuuya Coffee is determined to be the coffee hub that attracts coffee lovers in the whole neighborhood. The question is how to stand out among all the coffee shops? How to become the one that customers want to come in every day and even be part of their lives? Except for the excellent coffee and service, visual language stands a big part of Fuuya’s personality. 
The owners of Fuuya coffee, adapting the character from its Chinese name, which means baby tiger, want to express an honest, humorous yet straightforward personality. The logo design applies handwritten style and mimics the lively form of a baby tiger; outlines are rough, colors are bright and warm, messages are delivered. The combination of letters and handwriting makes the visual language expressed freely but controlled. Overall, the brand design illustrates the warmth, easygoing and welcoming personality of Fuuya and leaves a strong impression on the customers.
在上海,每几百米就有一间咖啡店,独立馆子或是连锁店都用咖啡“灌溉”着这个城市。虎伢从一开始就希望自己能成为所在街区咖啡爱好者的聚点, 如何在街区里脱颖而出,除了好喝的咖啡和热情的服务,还要有属于自己的视觉语言与个性。虎伢希望表达出自己的真实可爱,简单幽默, 不矫揉造作也不横冲直撞。设计以手写体作为虎伢的身份证,字体模仿了小老虎活波俏皮的动态,独一无二不可复制。印刷体与手写体的结合,时而自由时而克制,是个性的表达。橘色是虎伢的本色, 温暖活波,鲜活有生命。绿色是点缀,碰撞但绝不抢镜。
Coffee Shop Visual Identity and Merchandise Design


Coffee Shop Visual Identity and Merchandise Design
