Pitch campaign for IFAI: Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos.
IFAI is a private independent Mexican entity that protects personal information and provides access to public information to keep clean all governmental transactions and investments in order to avoid corruption. It's intention is to keep everything transparent, they also help you when your private information is compromised by someone (person or company), you can investigate doubtful government investments and take them to court. IFAI enforces your right as a Mexican citizen to be informed.
The main idea was to make a real guerrilla campaign with a “hacking look” to inform/question real life government investments decisions that could have been done better, showing the hard fact, a picture of the investment and the claim “Es hora de saber” (It’s time to know).
Also, we develop a microsite to inform about what IFAI’s other public services to the people.
- Grupo Cinco (Agency)
- Mónica González (Creative VP)
- Beto Villagran (Creative Director)
- Raúl Gonzalez (Sr. Art director) (myself)
- Luz Ma. Carreño (Planner)
initial artwork proposal
final master artwork
real life guerrilla application
Thanks for watching


IFAI Campaign Pitch
