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Brand Identity

HappyWOD is on a mission to make exercise a part of everyday life. Because they believe humans are designed to move. HappyWOD means “Happy Workout Of the Day.” They are an online fitness accessories shop whose goal is for customers to celebrate their health every day. They want to help people interested in fitness to become a better version of themselves — a happier and healthier version. They want to show the real side of fitness. To let people see that although it can be challenging, it can also be fun and rewarding. Their mission is to motivate and educate to make this possible.

So, how do you talk to those who desire to have a healthy lifestyle but don’t know how to achieve it or need the motivation to keep it going? We needed to find out how to attract their target in a relatable and engaging way. To get their message across crystal clear.

At heart, HappyWOD is creating a community. We worked with them to create a language that is easy to understand, easy to use, and eye-catching to the viewer. We wanted to express HappyWOD as more than a brand but rather a movement.

We got inspired by museums and galleries — places where informational text is always attractive and pleasing to read. We used bright color combinations and a text grid template to make reading more pleasant and inviting. To make it personal and relatable, we looked at how fitness enthusiasts track their WODs and goals. Out of this came the expressions, which give the identity movement and engagement.

HappyWOD is a digital store where its communication is seen for the most part on social media. For this reason, we gave it a more natural look when it comes to photography. We wanted to show the real side of fitness, where we can see unfiltered, genuine people enjoying their WOD.

The design system asserts itself boldly, but never at the expense of looking intimidating but rather inviting and empowering. The brand can now thrive across its digital platforms. Talking directly to those who need a little direction and showing how moving more is the sure way to have a happy and healthy life.

Thank you!
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