This animation was created as part of the European Research Council (ERC) funded project: Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Children's and Young Adults' Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges (Grant Agreement 681202; ERC Consolidator Grant led by Professor Katarzyna Marciniak).
The animation was developed with Dr. Sonya Nevin.  The hydria was made in Athens c.450BCE in the red-figure style, and is housed in the National Museum in Warsaw, in Poland (number 142460 MNW).
Zeus is in the centre with Athena, his daughter, pouring wine into his bowl, and Nike standing behind him, wrapping his hair.
It's implied that Athena will pour liquid into the dish so that Zeus can pour a libation from it – a liquid sacrifice.

The music was created by Prof. Conrad Steinmann.
Please check out our website for lots more information on the gods, the animation and educational activities.

Libation - Animation
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Libation - Animation

This animation shows Zues making a libation while he has his hair dressed. It was made for the ERC funded project 'Our Mythical Childhood'.

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