Randy Blum's profile

Factors that Boost Millennial Productivity at Workplace

Randall "Randy" Blum of Dallas, Texas is an accomplished entrepreneur with experience in millennial development. Throughout his career, he has offered strategic consulting and support to multiple Fortune 500 companies. An active supporter of various non-profits, Randall Blum helps corporates understand how to engage millennials best to achieve productivity.

For millennials to become instrumental in boosting productivity standards, employers need to address vital issues that make them comfortable and focused at the workplace. For starters, a healthy work-life balance is critical for millennials who want to enjoy a quality life and still excel in their careers. In this regard, companies should implement policies that allow flexible hours and grant other benefits such as remote working, vacation leave and, work-from-home days. When millennials enjoy work options, their productivity levels increase substantially.

In addition, money is a big factor in attracting and retaining millennials. Unlike earlier generations, young adults begin working towards financial freedom when they’re young. As a result, many of them move out of their parents' houses early and look for good-paying jobs to support their independent lifestyle and pay bills. Coupled with the ever-increasing cost of living and excellent skills, millennials appreciate jobs that offer good remuneration.
Factors that Boost Millennial Productivity at Workplace

Factors that Boost Millennial Productivity at Workplace


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