The story of paq chair
This is the story of how my empty room became the inspiration for my first worldwide distributed product the paq chair as I told it at a TEDx conference in 2012:
The whole project started when I had to move to a new place without furniture and I had no money to buy a bed. I had this foam mattress but I hated it. It occupied a lot of space and never looked good. I also wanted an armchair so i tough i try to create one from my foam mattress. I was playing with non related paper folds when I found this shape. I immediately bought all the necessary items and by the end of that day I had my bed transformable into armchair.
Probably this is the world's simplest armchair transformable into bed. It consist of only three functional element. The sheetings are separated from the ground by the gray textile on it and exchangeable with bucket or a small table. It is surprisingly stable and holds your back. Siting in it feels like siting in a flexible bean bag chair with more freedom to move in it. I am testing it continuously for one year now and it works perfectly.
With some help I patented it. After two and  a half year development it is finally on the market with the name paq because it is an upside down bed: Have a look.
The story of paq chair

The story of paq chair

Probably the world simplest armchair transformable into bed.
