Jessica Maria profili

Black Swan - A Book About A Film

This is my assignment for A Book About A Film project, I made a publication based on the movie Black Swan by Darren Aronofsky, starring Natalie Portman.
This film is quite heavy, it's a psychologic thriller combined with ballet. It follows Nina Sayers, a ballerina who dreams to star in Swan Lake performance. One day she got the opportunity, but she has to master the gentle and kind White Swan as well as the seductive and passionate Black Swan. This movie is not just about the Swan Lake or ballet, I found out this movie is also about growing up and mental disorder.
I divided the book into 3 parts - The White Swan, The Transformation, and The Black Swan.
The White Swan tells the early parts of the movie, and about innocence (the state Nina was in the very beginning),
The Transformation is when Nina got to know drugs, sex, and night life in her pursuit to become the Black Swan.
The Black Swan is the climax, the finale, and conclusion.

Using the concept of transformation, I put some flipping-book animation on the very top right corner of the book. There's a white feather that is moving and slowly turning to black.
Black Swan - A Book About A Film
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Black Swan - A Book About A Film

A Book About A Film project.

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