Profil appartenant à Uneeb Ahmad

In the midst of winter


A 5-day extensive workshop focusing on the visualization of a piece of text

The project conducted by Susanne Asheuer (a German Illustrator) was a 5-day extensive workshop executed during my Masters at Hochschule Anhalt in 2019.

The goal was to select a piece of text that spoke to the participants. The next phase was to explore drawings inspired from that selection. I went with the quote "In the midst of winter" by Albert Camus due to my interest in philosophy and the author.

Initial exploration revolved around abstract sketches of the words present in the quote. Due to the dark and heavy undertones of the text, I aimed to present it via something colorful and light, thus creating intrigue about the message of the writer.

Example of initial exploration of sketches inspired from words in the text
The image shows further exploration once the theme started to take shape.
The final execution of the participants

In the midst of winter
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In the midst of winter

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