The brief instructed us to create an informative typographic experience 
that brings your chosen ‘Unsung Heroes and Heroines’ to life in a 
submission supported by high quality research and intellectual rigour.
My hero is my Father; he went blind at the age of 17. He has inspired me to think differently everyday of my life. 
The reason my dad is my Hero is because of his philosophy on life.He chooses to see his own interpretation of how things are or how he perceives them to be. My dad sees them in his own way. He proves to many people that he has an advantage over sighted people because he “sees” what he wants to see. I did a series of typographic posters that combine the texture of braille and seen typography. 
ISTD- Unsung Hero

ISTD- Unsung Hero

The brief instructed us to create an informative typographic experience that brings your chosen ‘Unsung Heroes and Heroines’ to life in a submi Read More
