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Second Test Feedback and Amendments

Second Test Feedback and Amendments
After the adjustments that I made from the feedback given on Wednesday, 28th April, I sent over the full PDF of the book document to Geriant to get some more feedback on it. 

The adjustments that I made was  The title font made to look embossed, added more to the text at the back of the book, and removing one of the images to create the end of the book flow a lot better. 

On 1st May, Geriant came back to me with more feedback to help with the final look of the book. I agree with the feedback that Geriant said - that the spreads on page 6 and 14 feel awkward- but on page 19 works a lot better. So with this feedback, I will take page 19 as inspiration and play with the size and positioning of the archival images on spreads 6 and 14. 
Spread 6 
Spread 14
Spread 19
The Amendments
I really like the look of spread 6; with this, I have moved the images around to have one shot on the left and two images on top of each other on the right-hand side of the page. I have made these two photos slightly smaller to not overpower my photograph on the opposite page.
Spread 6
With spread 14, I have made the images smaller and placed them on a diagonal, going from the top left to the bottom right of the page. I personally don't like how this is looking, as it just feels really out of place in the book. I still want the book to look professional but have the archival images nod to a homemade curated photo album. So I'm going to make few more attempts on this spread to get it to a place that I am happy with.
Spread 14 attempt 1 
Spread 14 different looks
Having made 4 attempts at playing around with the size and positioning of the archival images on spread 14, I am leaning towards attempt 2; I think this looks really clean and rather elegant. I think the connections between the 1st image and the last image on the row works really well and helps to tell a story, but what I might do is swap these two images around so that the 'dancing woman' helps lead into my picture on the opposite page. I think it also shows a story with the aftermath of a day out at the races. But I will wait for some feedback before I make any more adjustments. 
Spread 14  attempt 2 
Spread 14 attempt 3
Spread 14 attempt 4
Second Test Feedback and Amendments

Second Test Feedback and Amendments
