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BUY THE WORLD by Neno Pensa

This is the first NFT world collection where the creator, through this work, dissects the planet and decides to put it up for sale.
Our world divided into 450 NFT pieces.The world for sale.
Once again I have taken the globe as an inevitable reference in my artistic career. This time, and for reasons that I still do not know, I have wanted to turn to another of my alter egos to sign this new work: Neno Pensa. I already warn you that you will not find me in any social network.

Don’t miss your chance. BUY A PIECE OF WORLD.
Available on
The project.
It is presented as the first collection in the world of digital art (NFT), where the creator, through this work, dissects the planet and decides to put it up for sale. Our world divided into 450 pieces. The world for sale.
Buy, speculate, sell and resell your parcels. Give a piece of the planet to your friends. Trade a piece of coastline in the Mediterranean for endless stretches in the Gobi Desert, or finally you can realise the dream of owning one of the Pacific Islands.

Get involved in the project.
Actively participate in the disintegration of this work, of the planet. Take part in one of the first digital creations (NFT) where the interaction between creator and collectors is manifested in the disintegration of the work itself.
The work and its speech.
The world, as the only witness to our insatiable desire to possess, consume and embrace greed. The world, perplexed, resigns itself to watching.

Blank spaces on the map.
When I decided to section the planet into grids, some blank areas appeared in the different corners (upper and lower), framing «nothingness”. The lines were already launched and embraced «that nothingness», but as Nicolás Boileau would point out in one of his famous reflections: «If I think of nothing, nothingness no longer exists».
Convinced, I did not hesitate for a moment to include the different blank spaces, those unexplored places to the overall composition of the work.
Ref .: 001, 002, 003, 004, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 058, 059, 060, 061, 090, 091, 120, 331, 360, 361, 390, 391, 392 , 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 447, 448, 449, 450.

I must mention the cartographer Tom Patterson (without his map this project would not have been possible). Thank you. Link

BUY THE WORLD by Neno Pensa
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BUY THE WORLD by Neno Pensa

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