together we're on.

uniOn is a portuguese telecommunications consulting company, whose focus is to find the best solution on the market for each client at the best price. With a continuous growth, and a team of over 20 people, uniOn approached us to rebrand their company, to better align their image with its vision.

We wanted the brand to feel human — uniOn is all about the humans behind the company, and the telecommunication industry has a bad reputation for being impersonal. Taking this as their mantra, the new logo features a friendly and welcoming type with an hand-written ‘O’ at its center. This ‘O’ represents not only the on/off button, but the human side of the company. Who amongst us has not scribbled down on a piece of paper while on the phone? We wanted to transport that into the new branding, and make it the fulcral point of it.
These handwritten elements help create a more human approach, while also drawing attention to the most important parts of the copy. To reinforce this even more, each employee was invited to draw their own O, which was then applied to the logo, so that every one could have their own version of the logo.

uniOn solutions
Branding, Graphic Design





Creative Fields