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Pollution (is in the air)

Pollution (is in the air)
Pollution (is in the air) is a generative and connected artwork,
reacting in real-time to the air pollution around us.

With its intangible and vaporous display, this creation offers a real-time visualization of the air quality around us, also modulated by the wind speed and its direction. By retrieving data produced and uploaded by the World Air Quality Project, this art installation uses its own geolocation to display the local air quality index (AQI) with a set of colorful and changing lights, based on the color scale of the current air pollution index.
Thus, the colors displayed by the artwork correspond to the AQI scale, which takes into account the concentration in the air of various pollutants and fine particulate matter. The organic movements produced by the display are modulated by real-time wind speed and direction readings, influencing their direction and speed.
Pollution (is in the air) offers a literal highlighting of the invisible pollution that surrounds us, and that we breathe every day. « Besides the climate, it is also the health of the population that is at stake. This pollution is responsible for serious respiratory and cardiac problems which mainly affect the most vulnerable people (children and the elderly). Of course, cities are particularly affected by air pollution. » (Greenpeace)

2020 – Aluminum, 3D printing, Wi-Fi electronic board, LEDs
Pollution (is in the air)

Pollution (is in the air)
