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Real-time generative art

An introduction to my work around real-time generative digital art, with a video grouping together different projects and experiments. This work is centered on the creation of interactive installations and immersive experiences, having as a common denominator the use of real-time data, coming from users, sensors or even the Internet.
Through these creations, projects and installation concepts, I want to immerse the viewer in the heart of creation. We no longer look at the artwork, we live it, we influence it, we feel it. We are no longer in front of the artwork, we are inside. By focusing on this immersive character, I want to offer true experiences, disconnecting the viewer from reality for a moment.
The desire to use real-time data as a basis is part of my overall approach, to propose a reflection around the interaction between human and nature, in a world invaded by digital technology and new uses of communication. This principle also allows creation to be anchored in the present moment, making it react to different stimuli or to the presence of the viewer, leading it into constant evolution.
Techniques and tools
Specialized in the use of Touchdesigner, for its impressive connectivity and flexibility, I also use many other tools and techniques involved in the creation of these installations and experiences: Blender, Unreal Egine, OpenCV, GLSL, Kinect, RealSense, Leap Motion, Video projection, Arduino , Raspberry Pi, 3D printing, Photogrammetry, LEDs, etc.
Projects and Collaborations
Capable to lead a project from design to production, in particular thanks to qualified partners, I am also open to any form of collaboration for your future projects: exhibition, installation, event, live performance… Do not hesitate to contact me!
Real-time generative art