CSB Hotel Flyers
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila
CSB Hotel is the hotel school of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde in Manila, Philippines. It is a fully functional hotel which has 46 guest rooms, five dormitory type rooms, conference facilities, and a fine dining restaurant operated by students of the College. In 2014, CSB Hotel reopened as Hotel Benilde.
Overview of the flyer set
The flyer breaks away from traditional formats by having minimal, but striking visual elements. An accompanying two-word headline copy can be found in the back.
The flyer acts as a postcard and a business card.
Creative Direction Maria Leovina Nicolas-Cruz
Photography Juan Carlos Salamat & Maria Leovina Nicolas-Cruz
Design Juan Carlos Salamat
Copywriting Albert RJ Miranda
© De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
September 2012
CSB Hotel Flyers

CSB Hotel Flyers

Non-traditional flyer design for CSB Hotel in Manila.
