Machina Infinitum's profile

Mastodon Fallen Torches

Mastodon - Fallen Torches (official video)

Director: Hey Beautiful Jerk and Machina-Infinitum
Producer: Mark Szumski and GinaNiespodziani
Production Company: Hey Beautiful Jerk
Editor: Nick Agderian/Jesper Nybroe/Mark Szumski 
Fractal Artists: Machina-Infinitum 
Color Grade: Mark Szumski 
Title Design: Mark Szumski

Produced by HBJ and co-directed with visual effects by Machina-Infinitum, the video features amazing, psychedelic fractal animations paired with Mastodon's heavy AF riffs!

"See Mastodon’s Interstellar ‘Fallen Torches’ Video"​​​​​​​
We wanted to integrate band members with fractals, so we decided to boolean subtract the geometry with some crazy non Euclidean geometry, here's some stills and R&D.
Breakdown of fractals and heads
Fractal used for the heads, custom coded formula in OSL Vectron for Octane Render
Early test with hard surface fractal environment 

Thanks for watching :)

Mastodon Fallen Torches

Mastodon Fallen Torches
