Profiel van Igor Duibanov

Crime Time
228 is the famous paragraph of The Russian Criminal Code (the prime source of Law of the Russia concerning criminal offences). 228 is about illegal asquisition, storage, transportation, manufacturing, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.
Paragraph 209 is about banditry, gang creation, gang membership.
Chain Reactions. Mutual Business. Partners in Crime.

Tattoo with Compass Rose is the classic element of the criminal identification. It came from soviet prison traditions and symbolyzes the freedom (free like a wind). Compass Roses at the both sides of clavicle is the main sign of all criminal bosses and criminal kings. Compass Rose at laps means that the owner doesn't obey to the law, goverment, police. 
Good Fellaz.
LHVS - is the popular criminal abbreviation and the motto of thugs. 
Legavim - Hui, Voram - Svoboda (Fuck cops, freedom for thugs).
Religion is very important moment of criminals in prison, it's mainly Ortodox Christianity.

Street Argyle. Criminal edition.

Prickle. Striped pattern for polo and shorts. Stripes and Stars.

Striped polo is the classic. 

Fitted cap. Embroidery and print inside the bill.

Fitted cap. Embroidery and print inside the bill.

Fitted cap. Embroidery and print inside the bill.

Full-printed jacket.
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Crime Time