These lockdown days when you want to get together and you suddenly realise there’s too many of you. You need to choose who’s in and who’s out. And ain’t nobody got time for that.

Who’s Out? is the tool that chooses who doesn’t get an invite for you.

Easy. Cheap. Democratic. Hygienic and painless. Because there’s nothing better than blaming your indecision on an algorithm.

An idea from Wunderman Thompson so you can all follow the rules without hard feelings amongst friends and still enjoy our strange albeit happy Holidays

Test the tool on
With the graphic elements of the loading videos we did a serie of promotional pieces for the tool.
Agency: Wunderman Thompson
Creative Directors: Paco Badia, Pipo Virgós, Irene Vidal, Jose Hortelano.
Copywriters: Irene Vidal, Jose Hortelano.
Art Director: Eren Saracevic.
Illustrator and Motion: Andrea Gendusa.
Producer: Susanna Bergés.

Visit my website or follow me on Instagram.
Who's Out


Who's Out
