Chris Fasan's profile

FLIRT Logo Design

About the Project
Flirt approached us recently to rebrand their hair styling tools line. As with most rebrands, that process started with a deep dive into what the company wanted the new brand to become. Working with them to a find a visual and conceptual position of differentiation, we created a new tone of voice for the brand, a new logo, color palette, imagery guidelines, and then followed that through to the website and packaging design. The result is a cohesive brand image that felt fun and "spunky" while staying sophisticated and modern. 

The process started with moodboards to illustrate what the new brand would feel like. 
After locking down a moodboard for the new brand direction, we launched into designing a logo. Some of the iterations we created as part of this design process are pictured below. 
The Logo
Finalizing a logo that encapsulated the brand as a mark can be tricky, but the final result was something we felt was embodying key terms such as sophisticated, modern, classy, and feminine.
The Color Palette
After finishing the logo, color combinations were pulled from the moodboard and adjusted to match the brand design. These colors were translated into RGB, CMYK, and Hex values so that the client was able to reliably and consistently be able to represent their brand across all mediums - from the website and social media to the printed packaging.
FLIRT Logo Design

FLIRT Logo Design
