2020-21 Celtics City Edition | Tradition Redefined

Boston Celtics 2020-2021 City Edition Unveil
Video and graphics used to help unveil the Boston Celtics 2020-2021 City Edition uniform. Concept ideation, asset creation and delivery all completed in the span of 3 months. Video content shot over the course of 2 days. Video content shot and edited by Nash Pictures.  

:90 second video used for social and .com unveil and promotion
City Edition Video Stills 
Stills feature Red Auerbach's signature victory cigar, era-specific Cadillac and glovebox "Easter eggs" including but not limited to: victory cigars, chopsticks and oil paints and brushes.

Shot and Edited by Nash Pictures
Generic merchandise graphics used over the course of 2-week period to promote the full collection leading to increased City Edition sales and our best selling product line of the 2020-21 season. 
2020-21 Celtics City Edition | Tradition Redefined

2020-21 Celtics City Edition | Tradition Redefined
