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Interactive Learning Media

Interactive Learning Media Sundanese Pupuh For Elementary School
Indonesia is a very rich with cultural diversity. No less than 1.280 people ethnic spread of sabang until merauke. Each nation having a distinctive characteristic from language, typical, food architecture and traditional arts. One is the sunda. The sunda become the second largest mayoritasnya in indonesia after the java. Most of the sunda living in western java ( west java ).
Diverse culture sundanese very much, from dancing chorus, song, clothes, food, architecture even language. Language sundanese also varied, different in every region in west java. Like the sunda ciamis with language sundanese cianjur have distinction from start sense of the word, use of a word on the sentences certain also intonation when being uttered.
One form cultural owned by the sunda is a Pupuh. Pupuh is traditional art shaped poem or rather poem traditional sundanese. In general a Pupuh contains ethics or a moral message that reflects teachings and philosophy sundanese. The high value teachings in a Pupuh make a Pupuh is a traditional art that deserve to guarded sustainable
Time progress and technological advances is one factor cause lost local culture. Introduction media used also a factor who has important against the development of local culture. As a Pupuh nowadays, in general people sundanese had forgotten even no idea of what it was about a Pupuh. Today sundanese people chiefly young people more interested with the gadget.
To introduce the Pupuh to the public especially young people we need a media that correspond to the life style society in the modern. One example of a suitable form of media is by made interactive media. It is expected to be good apreciation of Pupuh.
More explain about Pupuh Sunda:
According to Mr. Ma'mur danasasmita in "Wacana Bahasa dan Sastra Sunda Lama", Pupuh is poetry traditional sundanese that have any fixed rules on the theme number of syllables and also rhyme. Usually a Pupuh performed by singing. Pupuh is one of the many traditional art owned by the community sundanese. Based on theme that is contained in Pupuh, a Pupuh the number divided into 17 kinds. Pupuh have social value in the philosophy of life. Lyrics of Pupuh have very good moral value. Examples like a Pupuh balakbak is funny, can make laugh, a Pupuh kinanti is hope or concern and there are other a Pupuh other having the nature of mythology. Thus, a Pupuh that is traditional art must be appreciated especially by sundanese people.
Why must Interactive Media?
Pupuh with & without interactive media:
Pupuh is traditional poetry art perfomed by singing
(Pupuh = Poetry -> writing -> language -> voice)
If the introduction of a Pupuh only using a book
(writing -> language)
Character Design
Design character teacher as guide on each scene (male teacher named Mr. Karta and female teachers named Mrs. Wiwit)
Visual Asset
Pupuh Illustration
Pupuh Asmarandana
Theme: Love, compassion
Pupuh Durma
Theme: Anger, arrogance, spirit
Pupuh Jurudemung
Theme: Confusion
Pupuh Sinom
Theme: Joy and excitement
Pupuh Mijil
Theme: Sadness, hope
Pupuh Lambang
Theme: Joke with musings
Pupuh Ladrang
Theme: Satire
Scene Preview
Select Character
Teacher character stand when mouse over and then teacher character introduce them self
Home Page
in the home page there are three menu, about Pupuh, Pupuh songs and game bonus. For the game bonus can't be directly opened, the first should open other menu, then game bonus can be open
About Pupuh
Mr. Karta said, click at corner page for open next page. In menu about Pupuh there are quiz for the test
Pupuh Songs
there are three submenu, musik (music), pembahasan (explaination more detail about lyric, and translation from sundanese language to indonesia language) and quiz for the test
Game Bonus
Naration - Outro
Say congrat from teacher for finished learn to use this interactive media, and little counsel or hope for user to be a good kid
Credit Title
Me and my team
Interactive Learning Media