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Direct Mail: The Metric System

This is the back of the outside portion of the package. A space is provided for the recepient and stamp. The top corner features the return address, while the bottom corner shows the text logo and tagline, "Make life simple."
When you flip over the package, a collage of hand-drawn images reflecting your busy work life is found on four interlocking flaps. As you pull each flap open, you are removing work from the space, just as the metric system will remove additional and unnecessary work from your life.
This is the template of the outer package for this direct mail piece.
When the recepient opens the flaps, four sections of information surround a gray-colored center. A magnet is included in the package.
This is the magnet that will be included in each direct mail package. The simplistic look will be a welcome addition to any refridgerator as well as a daily reminder of the simplistic qualities of the metric system.
This is the template for the magnet included in the direct mail package.
Once the magnet is removed, the words "Make life simple" are prominent. The flaps include reasons why to switch to the metric system, how the system works, the benefits Americans can receive from using the metric system, and a call to action that provides the recepient with information on how to get involved with the push for metric system usage.
This is the template of the inside of the direct mail package.
Direct Mail: The Metric System
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Direct Mail: The Metric System

For this assignment, I was required to make a direct mail package that would persuade the recepient to switch to the metric system. Targeting an Daha Fazla Bilgi

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