Thinking about your financial future is terrifying. It's the monster under your bed, you know is there, but you don't want to deal with. Let's show how scared of banking people really are. I'm not talking about just a little scared, but pure, unbridled, jump out of your skin terror. 

Liberty Bank is here to shine a light into those dark creepy spaces and guide you to financial safety.

INTERROGATION ROOM: Two Liberty Bank loan officers are seated
with an unknown man.

An officer slides a manila folder towards the criminal and opens it.
OFFICER 1: Have you seen these rates before?
MAN: No. Never, but they look awful.
The second officer erupts with anger.
OFFICER 2: Don't give us that. We know you’ve been slinging those rates to kids all over town!
MAN: They're not kids, they're millennials! they're like 30 year old adults!
OFFICER 2: I don’t want to hear it! First you get them hooked on a 60 month loan. Then when they come back, you move up to what, 84 months? You're sick.
MAN: Hey, calm down. It's not my fault they don't know what to do. Nobody’s getting hurt.
Another folder is tossed on the table. Images of young people spill out.
OFFICER 2: Tell that to these kids who are stuck with payments for the next 8 years!
OFFICER 1: As you can see my partner is upset. That's why we're here. To protect young professionals and people too scared by banking. We’ve dedicated our lives to providing financial literacy to everyone who is in the dark when it comes to banking.
MAN: I need to see my manager.
OFFICER 2: Yeah, I think we're done here.
SUPERS: LIBERTY BANK. Lighting the Way.

Banking is Scary

Banking is Scary

