Profiel van Abraham E.

Animation Bootcamp

Cover image inspired by SOM manifesto (by Ordinary Folk)

Awesome track by ODESZAMemories That You Call (feat. Monsoonsiren)

Brainhole evaluator v2. 

TA Feedback: 
- Nice touch adding the rotating cube, givens the little box more personality; 
- Pay closer attention to UI elements leaving their bounding box, next time use a track matte. 
- Text animation of the "HOLE" could be a little faster.

Space Explorer v3

TA Feedback: 
- "General movement feels very fast, not incorrect but it shouldn't be any faster."
- Movements on the X/Y axis feel smoother compared to previous versions; 
- Hangs are also better spaced and timed.

Step Three v2.1

TA Feedback: 
- Movements leading to the bulb's discovery (bonking of text + hang) feel a bit superfluous. 
- Pay close attention to the hangs in the coin bounces, they feel too long. 
- Slow the decay of the coin, before the overshoot settle.

Dogfight v2.1

TA Feedback: 
- Movements across the Z axis could be increased, to "show the perspective change and move in 3D space a wee bit more. Since the glow is blowing out the edge lines it's hard to see the motion is in 3d and it feels like an abrupt direction change." 
- Towards the last exit of the blue plane, the deceleration feels too artificially slowed.


DreidelCowblast v1

TA Feedback
- The cube's initial bounce, while realistic, doesn't reflect the "springy" feel shown in the rest of the animation - keep the "feel" consistent
- Cube overshoots "could be springier, the apex of the move could be a flatter keyframe, like a hang". 
- Cube split transition could work even better if allowed to finish the division; - Remember to add Squash & stretch on the orange ball; 
- The robotic feel on the second exercise could be pushed more.

☝🏾 Dreidel v2

Bouncy Bounces v2

TA Feedback (on v1): 
- Initial bounces towards the settle-in had hangs that felt "a touch long which give it a uncomfortable resolution". 
- The hangs on the second act felt like a frame too long (a bit of hesitation). 
- In the second, golf ball bounce, the bounces feel jerky, the spacing on the actual connection with the ground should be revisited. 
- In the last exercise with the boxes, the bounces after the first one feel too high (not enough decay) and the motion path angle should be revisited.

(First experiment inspired by the Furrow's COVID-19 project)

Pool Nüdl Exercise v1

- "The motion is pretty unidirectional (the yellow noodle for instance is almost constantly curved to the left despite the inertia). But the animation of the 4 noodles together seems a bit random until they form the X. They kinda move back and forth with no real noticeable rhythm or internal logic." 
- Revisiting the macro movements and making sure the noodles are flopping around in both directions would improve the idea.

Pong Challenge v1

TA Feedback: 
- Could use a bit more bi directionality on the decay of your follow throughs.
- The follow through on the blue should decay with a bit of wobble. [0:09].

Brainhole Part Deux

TA Feedback: 
- Would've be interesting to have the explosion happen right after being hit by the noodle. - This scale down is ok. It needs a bit of massage maybe its earlier or maybe it's more abrupt to make it "click" in to place. [0:14]

Circle Society v1

TA Feedback: 
- Make sure the red circles are equidistant (or very clearly not intended to be equidistant) [0:05] 
- Line up "circles" (to the voice-over). Also, this ending is missing some of the oomph that the rest of it had. The idea gets lost a bit. I'd say work with the scaled on the large thin circles in relation to the main icon [0:06] 
- The bounce up feels odd, a bit unmotivated [0:10]

Ministry of Eye Control v2

Feedback on v1:
 - In the middle section with the trim path sequence "we lose it a bit [there]. We want the eye to travel as indicated but the lines are more seemingly random. Let's get these going from left to right. Bring us over." [0:08]

V2 changes inspired by Jason Nizzetto's submission.

Scrapbook Elvis v1

TA Feedback: 
- The hand-made, stop-motion vibe of this submission could be pushed further, by adding small bits of rotation and subtle position jerks to some of the elements - you need to roughen it up.

Be the Ice Sculptor v3

TA Feedback on v1 
- I'd try it without the feathered circle wipe. The art style is very solid and vector. Not a lot of fading and gradation. [0:02]. 
- The orange surface cut doesn't feel like part of our visual language. Could try it a different way. Less gradient, more of a vector look. [0:05]. 

(Many thanks to Felipe Ramírez, Alejandra Londoño Álvarez and Madalin Dragnea for the extra feedback!)
Animation Bootcamp

Animation Bootcamp

In the attempt to better understand some principles of animation and develop my feel for animation, I enrolled in the Animation Bootcamp course, Meer lezen
