Profilo di Peter Ørntoft

CBS News stamp collection

The CBS 2020 stamp collection is a series of stamps with infographic motifs showing data about mail in voting in the 2020 US election.

When CBS News reached out and asked me to create an infographic concept for a piece about mail in ballots, the potential of using the stamp as format quickly caught my attention. Apart from being an important part of our communication infrastructure, stamps are small traveling pieces of art and they can give us small glimpses of world history. 

I always begin this type of project by exploring the context of the subject to look for powerful visual elements that can carry the data. I often aim for using real objects and elements to visualise the data because it adds an extra tactile layer of information about the subject creating an emotional connection between the data and people.

The stamps were introduced in the Face the Nation broadcast which aired on September 27 2020. 

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CBS News stamp collection


CBS News stamp collection
