Omnibus is a collective of landscape designers located in Paris, and Metz. With a team (Monono, François Roumet, Alphaville), they worked for more than three years on the SCoTAM Landscape Plan, broken down into three parts: the diagnosis, the objectives and the actions program.

Nouvelle étiquette was given the mandate to format these documents. Initially planned to be distributed only in digital version, the mandate evolved towards the design of a printed object which would contain the actions program in the form of brochures, as well as a digital kit containing all the productions of the team (maps, videos, etc.).

We’ve imagined and drawn abstract landscapes, evoking scientific codes (geological strata, aerial views, soil composition, etc.), but leaving room for everyone's imagination. In a colorful and living universe, we showcase the richness of sources, both textual and iconographic.

From the coasts of Moselle to Warndt, from Mont Saint Quentin to Mont Saint Pierre, from Maizières-les-Metz to Moyeuvre-Grande, each of the inhabitants of this territory can find inside this object a piece of “their” landscape and of the way they live it or might live it.
Omnibus paysage

Omnibus paysage
