Mayo Clinic - The Power of Answers

Mayo Clinic - 'The Power of Answers'

When we are stressed or our beliefs are challenged, the ideas we have can become irrational, one worrying thought leading to another, and another, as the human mind struggles to maintain its inner peace.
We represent the answers to these worries with light, as it passes from neuron to neuron, axon to axon, spreading through the brain.
Just like doubt, or worry, or anxiety, answers can also be contagious.

Light propagates through the brain , calming and relaxing the frequency of the brain waves. Gradually, our whole brain decreases in erratic activity, ending on a calm and relaxed brain. Our brainwaves are pulsating in sync, outward from the center, in perfect harmony.   
Using tensor diffusion imagery (or Diffusion MRI) from a brain scan, we translated the scan data & fiber track information to Houdini, allowing us to animate and simulate with a highly anatomically accurate brain model.
Psyop (Production Co)
Shane Griffin - Director
Viola Davis - Voice Over Talent
Andrew Linsk - Executive Producer
Angela Foster -Senior Producer
Danil Krivoruchko, Houdini Artist
Philipp Pavlov - Houdini Artist
Brendan Fitzgerald - CG Lead
Shane Griffin - Houdini Artist
Carl Mok -Lead Nuke Compositor
Manu Gaulot -Nuke Compositor
Chris Gereg - Nuke Compositor
Loren Christiansen - Editor

Trystan Pease - Storyboard Artist
Mayo Clinic - The Power of Answers

Mayo Clinic - The Power of Answers

:30 tv spot for the Mayo Clinic featuring academy award winner Viola Davis.
