Brief: Mayv Whisky Branding
Client: College Project
Date: May 2012
The Gaelic “usquebaugh”, meaning “Water of Life”, phonetically became “usky” and then “whisky” in English. Scotch whisky, has captivated a global market. This brief involved developing a concept and branding for a newly emerging whisky. It was to have a unisex appeal with a slant toward females from mid 20’s to 40’s.
Maeve, the goddess, is the intoxicating power of passion... the passion we feel in love, desire, sex, as well as in anger and battle. Her tale highlights the search for equality between man and woman which is portrayed symbolically through the battle of two bulls.
As the aim of this brief was to appeal to women in an attempt to increase the female to male ratio of whisky drinkers, I chose to allude to this same idea – the search for equality.
Mayv Whisky

Mayv Whisky

Brief: Mayv Whisky Branding Client: College Project Date: May 2012 The Gaelic “usquebaugh”, meaning “Water of Life”, phonetically became “usky” Read More
