Danissa Santos profili

From Here to Now: Revised Greyhound Runners Logo

From Here to Now:
Revising Greyhounds Runners Logo
My Original Design From High School.
Old Logo.
About:  A logo mascot for the school's running club. First I sketched out the greyhound then scanned it. I deliberately design the logo around the triangle to show activity and movement. The greyhound is chosen by the committee to serve as the official logo. This intended to be print for T-shirts. This design is done in 2013. 
Now in 2020​​​​​​​
I decided to go and revised the logo after graduating from college. Here is my process throughout the project.  
Reference Board
Using the elements from the reference board and keeping aspects of my original design from high school. I tried to recreate the logo with the similarities to reference logos as possible. Taking in elements that are common amongst them. Here are my designs. 
PHASE 2 - Revising & New Designs
New designs based off from Revised Design #1
FINAL PHRASE: Finalized Logo
Logo With name.
Logo with Name & Runners

The difference between the Greyhounds logo and other sports logo is that it doesn't invoke aggressiveness like how football and esports teams are. This logo conveys running as the main goal of being fit and active for everyone who wants to join. The freedom of movement. 
2 logo versions with slogan.
For Apparel : Active Sportswear
Placement of Logos on the hoodies. 
Grey versions for casual wear or for running and jogging as exercise. 
Uniforms for The Club!
To be continued.
From Here to Now: Revised Greyhound Runners Logo
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From Here to Now: Revised Greyhound Runners Logo

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