Profiel van Khang Ng.

Emotional Recovery Project


This project has been developed based on my first design applied to the Show It Now 2020 contest which was organized by Arena Multimedia Vietnam (the first design initially had only 5 artworks including an opening poster and 4 "emotion" posters). This year's contest explores the theme "Emotion".

The theme of the contest exploits the "Emotion" factor based on one of three aspects: personal emotions, social emotions and emotions about the future. From my point of view, the topic "Emotions about the future" is far more challenging and interesting than the other two topics as it could generate positive outcomes for humanity. Future with the development of technology connecting things, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), will bring many opportunities and also challenges for human being. The world will witness the interaction between people and technology in a perfect ecosystem. People and technology will go hand in hand as symbiotic friends. Describe and imagine what our future world with your "Technology" friend would look like from your own perspective. 

Based on my personal experience and careful consideration, I decided to come up with the "Emotions about the future" topic as I believed that I would build an inspirational story which carried a profound message about "How will human's emotions be in the future ".


I have been awarded the first prize of the contest with a scholarship of 50% tuition-fee deduction from Arena Multimedia Vietnam. This contest honoured young and talented designers in all regions in Vietnam for their creative and outstanding projects. 

Creative Silver Award ⠀|  Illustration– Other Illustration ⠀|  World Brand Design Society Awards 2020/2021 


My story is set in the world in 2058 when so many things have drastically changed humanity.

“By 2058, the computer systems and equipments have grown to their peak. People gradually depend too much on modern technology while they do not have to leave the house to get whatever they want, they even don't need to communicate with other people because there are already robot companions. However, the thing that has gradually lost its way is ‘emotion’ because robots can't possess natural expressions like humans. When people are lazy to meet each other, ‘emotions’ would soon fade away. The future of human being "robotized" may not be far away. In resolving this problem, many non-profit projects have been conducted to restore emotions - which are considered invaluable assets of people. Laboratory “THE EMOTION LAB” (hereinafter referred to as T.E.L) has been established in this regard.

In fact, there are about 34,000 different types of emotions that humans can experience. To begin with, T.E.L scientists used the "wheel of emotions" principle of American psychologist Dr. Robert Plutchik as the basic premise. According to this theory, there are eight main types of emotions underpinning all the different emotional nuances: joy, sadness, acceptance, disgust, fear, anger, surprise and anticipation.

Scientists have conducted the "EMOTIONAL RECOVERY PROJECT" to restore the invaluable emotional "asset" that people have accidentally lost. Without emotions, humans are simply a machine. With a monumental investment and a human nature, this project is promising to make a big turning point in changing the world.

In order to launch this project, they have released posters calling for volunteers to participate in the project. The posters briefly present eight main types of emotions and summarise the definition of each type of them. Each emotional poster will be accompanied by a logo showing the position on the Robert Plutchik's chart.”

June 27, 2058
Excerpted from the newsletter "The World Times".


The posters use 'the eye' as the key visual as human emotions are mostly revealed through the eyes.

Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

Robert Plutchik was a psychologist who developed a psycho evolutionary theory of emotion. He states that there are eight basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, anticipation, anger, and disgust. Each primary emotion also has a polar opposite, so that:
     1. Joy is the opposite of sadness.
     2. Fear is the opposite of anger.
     3. Anticipation is the opposite of surprise.
     4. Disgust is the opposite of trust.

Plutchik created the wheel of emotions, which illustrates the various relationships among the emotions. The intensity of emotion decreases as you move outward and increases as you move toward the wheel's center. The intensity of the emotion is indicated by the color. The darker the shade, the more intense the emotion. For example, anger at its least level of intensity is annoyance. At its highest level of intensity, anger becomes rage.


Each emotion poster will be accompanied by a logo showing the position of that emotion on the Robert Plutchik's chart.


The project includes 9 posters. The opening poster will be released first and then 8 "emotional" posters will be presented in turn according to each stage of the project. The opening poster introduces the experimental environment and briefly simulates a few small perspectives of the project. "Emotional" posters illustrate how emotions are expressed through the main image of the eye. The overall poster is retro-style, implying a desire to restore a world in the past that was once fully filled with natural and diverse emotions.

Thank for your time.
Print my artwork: Welcome to my world!

Emotional Recovery Project


Emotional Recovery Project

My imaginary project for future emotional restoration is based on the principles of Wheel of Emotions of American psychologist Robert Plutchik. T Meer lezen
