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Poster * Compilation 1

This is a collection of poster designs that I submitted to a design showcase or competition. These posters are an example of my experimentation with many styles.
Graphic Designer: Khang Nguyễn
Motion Designer: Hiệp Hoàng
"Xon Xao" in Saigon

The two posters shown below were used to attend the "Xon Xao" in Saigon exhibition. This is a graphic design showcase combining augmented reality technology, with over 25 local and international artists actively engaged in the creative industry participating. Through photographs, technology, and the connectivity of the exhibition space, the exhibition strives to reproduce the image of a dynamic and creative Saigon. One of the factors that makes Saigon so special with the name “city that never sleeps” is the non-stop “xon xao” sound – a sound that is neither too loud nor too quiet, the sound of creativity and movement.
Saigonese are liberal, accessible, and eager to discuss what they see and think. They enjoy to assemble, chat, and so on to forget about their tough things in life. They can converse anywhere: on the sidewalk, in the food courts, in the front yard of a neighbor's house, or even being in the house and gazing through the window of the house opposite might spark a fascinating conversation. There has never been a shortage of human voices in this metropolis. All of them happen at the same time, buzzing, settling, ups and downs... eventually resulting in the so-called "Xon Xao" that is so typical of Saigon.

Are Saigonese curious? This "curiosity" has a distinct personality in my opinion. People come out to observe despite their job, people just linger for a while, automobiles that are moving suddenly halt... After all, they want to see it with their own eyes in order to satisfy their own curiosity. They also do not hesitate to assist when something unfortunate occurs. They watch, converse, debate, and share... Strangers suddenly become friends. All noises, rhythms, visuals... merge together - beginning from the two words "curiosity" - generating a unique "Xon Xao" amid Saigon's bustling streets.

The Power Of Imagination

“The Power Of Imagination” is a design competition founded by ASUS ProArt, Techdata (Adobe VN Distributor) and Xencelabs. The contest aims to encourage graphic creators to return to the "new normal" after a long pause due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and this is also the time for them to draw up upcoming plans. 
The poster describes the concept of "Intimate space" in the "Types of Proxemics" theory. Intimate distance is that which is used for very confidential communications. This zone of distance is characterized by 0 to 2 feet of space between two individuals. An example of intimate distance is two people hugging, holding hands, or standing side-by-side. People in intimate distance share a unique level of comfort with one another. Those who are not comfortable with someone who approaches them in the intimate zone will experience a great deal of social discomfort or awkwardness.

The poster describes the concept of "Social space" in the "Types of Proxemics" theory. Social distance is used in business transactions, meeting new people and interacting with groups of people. Social distance has a large range in the distance that it can incorporate. From 4 to 12 feet, it is clear that social distance depends on the situation. Social distance may be used among students, co-workers, or acquaintances. Generally, people within social distance do not engage in physical contact with one another. 

The poster describes the concept of "Personal space" in the "Types of Proxemics" theory. Personal distance is used for talking with family and close friends. Although it gives a person a little more space than intimate distance, it is still very close in proximity to that of intimacy, and may involve touching. Personal distance can range from 2 to 4 feet. Like intimate distance, if a stranger approaches someone in the personal zone, he or she is likely to feel uncomfortable being in such close proximity with the stranger.

Poster * Compilation 1

Poster * Compilation 1
