'Private eye' is  an edutainment smartphone experience, originating as a project to bring tourists away from Prague's overcrowded center, and offer them an exciting alternative to mass tourism.
Inspired by games such as Geocaching or Pokémon GO, it is my aim to also educate the players, allowing them to learn about architecture and history, while having fun.
The player assumes the role of a detective for hire - a 'private eye' - in Prague's roaring twenties. Solving cases, the player moves from place to place in the real world thanks to the game's geolocating feature, solving riddles, meeting virtual suspects and admiring Prague's hidden sights in the real world, as well as learning about them.
In keeping with the theme and atmosphere of the game, the UI of the app is comprised completely from scraps of paper, assembled from old books and scanned. A series of illustrations of both characters and landmarks have been completed as well.
Private Eye

Private Eye
