Směr Vladivostok
Russian civil war was a time of uncertainty and lawlessness, change and cruelty, but also aspiration, possibility and hope. It is a conflict that has changed the face of Europe, and influenced the world for decades to come. At its beginning, three empires struggled in bloody conflict; at its end, a plethora of young nations rose up, only to be subjected yet again in a myriad of new wars. In Směr Vladivostok, I hope not only to bring entertainment, but also to inspire to learn more about this captivating period in history through this humble tabletop wargame.

As a Czech, it is my aim is to highlight the fascinating journey of the Czechoslovak legion troops in particular, which, had it not happened, would be too unbelievable for fiction. Many aspects of their story, motivations and life are slowly fading from public knowledge into obscurity or are misinterpreted, not least helped by the political past of former Czechoslovakia. Yet, they left behind a legacy deserving to be remembered.
Směr Vladivostok is a 2-player edutainment historical tabletop wargame that transports the players back in time into the midst of the turbulent Russian civil war, and onto the wide plains of Ukraine, the deep swamps of Volga, or the vast Siberian wilderness.

In the shoes of Battalion and Regimental commanders, the players are met with some of the same challenges their real-life counterparts have faced some 100 years ago, reliving the historical engagements between the Czechoslovak Foreign Corps, the German Eastern Army or the Soviet internationalists.
Determined to bring a realistic depiction of the era to the tabletop battlefield, Směr Vladivostok relies on soldier’s personal diary records and period sketches and maps to faithfully recreate the military clashes with utmost accuracy.

A robust Morale system controls the flow of the battle, as fatigued units lose cohesion and become bogged down in the field.

Varying skill and determination of the warring sides make for asymmetrical engagements, and requires different tactics to succeed. Will the numbers, or the experience prevail?

The unforgiving Russian land plays an impartial but crucial role, granting an edge to skilled commanders who use it to their advantage, while hampering the progress of others. Studying the lay of the land and finding opportunities to exploit may well decide the victor.

The players find themselves in command of an assortment of period-accurate military technology from Shock and Engineer troops to Armoured trains, each with their specific strengths and weaknesses.
Směr Vladivostok represents an interconnected framework of rules, allowing for a multitude of historical engagements to be brought to the tabletop and played out. The players are encouraged to make full use of the game, and adapt new, custom-made scenarios to play. A digital version allowing for online play is in the works, as well.
Směr Vladivostok

Směr Vladivostok


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