Tracing back two events that change the course of history, the first narrated on the Genesis 11:1-9 'The city of Babel' (The Tower of Babel) and the second 'The September 11 terrorist attacks upon the United States in New York City (9/11); both having in common architecture and its destruction. The tower/museum comes to life in a ‘mummy’ state and sits disruptively on a pier at the island, like a phallus shape without a define space and/or form (cubical, cylindrical, prismatic, elliptical, etc.), transformed by an explosion of images (from 9/11 and Babel’s Tower), not knowing if the tower is under construction or if it was once built and then partially destroyed and being now only a mere ruin.

Babel’s Tower = God destroys men’s greatest architectural attempt to reach heaven.
9/11 (terrorist attack) = Men destroys the greatest representation of architectural and economical power.
NY Tower/Museum (the mummy) = A digital destruction of images

In collaboration with Arq. Francisco Garcia
The Mummy

The Mummy

2nd Urban Architecture Competition: A Museum Tower This architectural competition is being promoted by ARQUITECTUM to evaluate proposals for th Read More


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