Fuad El-Hibri's profile

Dr. Reardon Honored with the 2013 El-Hibri Peace

Business executive and philanthropist Fuad El-Hibri founded Emergent BioSolutions Inc. in Rockville, Maryland, and led the company to become a distinguished global leader in the biopharmaceutical industry. Fuad El-Hibri has also headed community service efforts through the El-Hibri Foundation, where he continues to serve as chairman.

On October 2nd, 2013, the El-Hibri Foundation recognized the work of Dr. Betty A. Reardon as its 2013 Laureate in an invitation-only ceremony in Washington, DC. The foundation bestowed upon her the El-Hibri Peace Education Prize, a $20,000 cash award to honor those who have made substantial and innovative contributions toward world efforts of peace and social justice.

Prior to receiving the award, Dr. Betty Reardon had already become a noted figure in peace education. She has written numerous articles, books, and educational curricula on choosing peace rather than war and violence, in addition to mentoring other teachers in the field. She also founded the International Institute on Peace Education and served as the academic director of the Global Campaign for Peace Education for the Hague Appeal for Peace.
Dr. Reardon Honored with the 2013 El-Hibri Peace

Dr. Reardon Honored with the 2013 El-Hibri Peace

Fuad El-Hibri


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