Shiraz & Daryan: Logo Innovations for Mossagarden

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Behance Artist Spotlight: Shiraz & Daryan

Behance Artist Spotlight: Shiraz & Daryan
Published January 24, 2024 by the Behance Team

Zara Shirazi and Amir Daryani are the dynamic duo behind the brand design studio Shiraz & Daryan. Combining Zara’s business savvy and Amir’s creative mastery, they are building a design powerhouse that collaborates with global brands to craft unique and compelling narratives.

Before they became the dynamic creative partners they are today, Shiraz and Daryan had very different beginnings. 

Imagine being 12 and your friend tells you that you can ‘paint’ on your computer. Excitedly, Daryan finds an app on his computer and starts experimenting, opening Pandora’s box of creativity. “It was as if he turned life’s cheat mode on for creativity and never looked back,” says Shiraz. 

The program his friend was referring to was Paint. The program that Daryan found and mastered by accident was Photoshop.


Spatial Branding for a Swedish Incubator by Shiraz & Daryan

While Daryan was discovering the wonders of digital design, Shiraz was embarking on an adventure of her own in the world of business. She learned first hand from her father who was a successful entrepreneur, accompanying him to business meetings and bank appointments. From her father’s example, she learned how to navigate delicate social dynamics and approach complex problems. “These experiences were her building blocks, shaping her into the independent, socially-savvy strategist she is today,” shares Daryan. 

By leveraging their individual strengths, Shiraz and Daryan have established a studio that strikes the delicate balance between business strategy and creative expression.


Concept for Premium Mushroom Product Brand Identity by Shiraz & Daryan

Shiraz and Daryan have been sharing their work to Behance for over a decade and know first hand the importance of cultivating a portfolio online.  

“Behance is like our communal garden, and we’re committed to nurturing it with the same enthusiasm as our own creative spirit. Our portfolio is a living, breathing entity that thrives with each new piece of work and interaction. Think of it as a blossoming orchard where every project we graft onto our branches can bear fruit in the form of multicultural connections and opportunities.”


Visetto Brand Identity by Shiraz & Daryan

Shiraz and Daryan’s commitment to curating their portfolio has had a handsome payoff. Their work has caught the attention of clients around the world and since listing their creative services on Behance last year, they’ve completed 9 new client projects. “Behance has been a game-changer for us. It’s been more than just a showcase for our work; it’s been a magnet for opportunities and kindred spirits from all over the planet,” shares Shiraz.

For Shiraz and Daryan, brand identity is not just a simple logo, but a bridge that connects the brand’s vision with its customers and with the world at large. 

When working with clients, they take an in-depth approach to the discovery process: “We dive into the heart of a brand, exploring its ethos, its dreams, and its community. Every curve in a logo, every shade in a palette, and every word in a tagline is crafted with intention and respect for the brand’s unique voice and the diverse audience it will reach.”


Logo Innovations for Mossagarden by Shiraz & Daryan 

One standout project that Shiraz and Daryan completed through Behance was an opportunity for Texan company with a 77 year legacy. “From the outset, it felt like we were more than just remote partners—we were part of their storied history,” says Shiraz. “We immersed ourselves in the company’s culture, experiencing virtual tours of the production line and absorbing the essence of their brand.”  

The CEO's gracious welcome and trust in their vision left a profound and lasting impression on them. “This experience was enriched by the bond we formed, transcending the digital distance, and it was Behance that laid the groundwork for this shared trust. It’s not always about the destination; sometimes, the journey, with its learning and connections, is what truly counts.”


Art Gallery Brand Identity by Shiraz & Daryan

“Without Behance, our creative journey wouldn’t have been the same. It’s been more than just a showcase for our work; it’s been a magnet for opportunities and kindred spirits from all over the planet. The relationships we’ve built and the projects we’ve embarked on have been nothing short of magical.”

See more work by Shiraz & Daryan and hire them for freelance projects on Behance. 

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