CCC Music Festival
Forms, posters, flyers, print ads, programme books, and various other things
y involvement was to adapt this initial design to create all kinds of additional print material, including posters, flyers, print ads, competition syllabus brochures, programme books, a stand-up banner, registration forms, and all kinds of forms for internal use.
A typical spread of the programme book for the local piano competition.
(The house ad on the left page was adapted from an earlier work that I also did.)
While the cover of the gala concert was still largely constrained by the original design of the syllabus’ cover, script type was used for everything related to the concert.
The section headings inside the gala concert programme book mirrors the cover’s use of script type.
(To increase consistency, the list of winners were also preprocessed with some Perl programming before placing into InDesign.)
Bilingual poster used for the province of Quebec, based on an English-only ad created earlier for the directory of piano competitions published by the Alink-Argerich Foundation
Music festival

Music festival

In-house project to produce part of the print items needed for the two competitions
