Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial

24-hour event where teams of volunteer Communication Design students along with professors and alumni, design and produce pro-bono creative works for non-profits.

To commemorate the life and continue the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Coretta Scott King, by developing a memorial, programs and initiatives to honor the King Family and address issues of civil rights, world peace and economic equity for all.

Simple flat layout design with shallow color pallet and hover-color black & white imagery. 
• 100% Responsive design - Breakpoints at 900/600/300 widths
• CSS3 compound stylesheet structure 
• Lightweight CMS (Pagelime) editng classes.
• Addaptive jQuery paragraph centering code
• Interactive Google Maps of live site
• Email Subscription and Domation forms

• Jessica Savard (Senior - team leader)
• Kirsten Detweiler
• Sydney Schollenberger
(Alumni Mentor - Zachary A. Martz "ME")
Simple flat layout design with shallow color pallet and hover-color black & white imagery. 
• Social Identity Adaptation 

Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Homepage
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - About
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Get Involved
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Events
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Contact
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Facebook Icon of Logo
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial - Facebook Cover Image
Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial

Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial

ORGANIZATION MISSION: To commemorate the life and continue the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Coretta Scott King, by developing a memorial, Read More
